As a professional ergonomist, I’m often asked how can I find a cheap chair that has all the functionalities I need to be comfortable when working from home? Stay tuned…because there is an answer to that question.
Ergologics helps people work remotely in safety
As more people find working from home their new normal, so does the reality that slouched on a couch for hours on end with their laptop balanced on knees isn’t going to cut it.
Even setting up at the dining room table or that old computer desk that for decades has gathered dust can have drawbacks as arms begin to ache and backaches begin.
It soon becomes apparent though home can be a great place to work during this pandemic, it wasn’t designed for your job and may not add to your productivity, says Ahwatukee business owners Michael Rubino and Ronda Moriarty.
Their company, Ergologics, combines 35 years of experience in ergonomics with more than 18,000 evaluations of workplaces.
Now, the pair has expanded their business to provide virtual evaluations of the home offices of the burgeoning ranks of telecommuters.
“We thought about how we could still help folks during this time of crisis,” said Rubino a biomedical engineer. “That’s when we decided to start offering remote ergonomic evaluations to help people set themselves up in their new, home environment.”
He and Moriarty, use the video conferencing app ZOOM to help people build a workplace at home that will be kind to their body.
First, they evaluate the client’s current devices and workstation and then, Rubino explained:
“We’ll then talk to them about any discomforts they’re experiencing, about proper ergonomic set-up and offer them some helpful tips to make them more comfortable. Then we’ll also send them a written report regarding any equipment or furniture that we’d recommend for purchase.”
One of their goals is not only to make workspaces more comfortable and productive, but to minimize the risk of injury.
“We look at the physical demands of the job to decrease the risks of injury and illness while enhancing productivity,” he said.
And with workers viewing their at-home workstations as a temporary stop-gap, Rubino said his company’s evaluations take into consideration their client’s budgetary limits.
“A good adjustable ergonomic chair would be great if everyone could afford one, however that’s not always the case, especially during this difficult time,” he said.
“If I am assisting someone who’s working from home and all they have is a hard, flat back kitchen chair, I will give them some suggestions on how to make that chair more comfortable – for example purchasing a memory foam cushion or lumbar support for their lower back.”
If the customer is prepared to seek a better supporting chair for their home office, Ergologics can make it more cost-effective.
“In my written report, I’ll also give them a recommendation for a new ergonomic chair, if needed. If they choose to purchase it and use the furniture vendor we recommend, they’ll get 50 percent off of the retail price,” he said.
“If, however, they’re only working at home temporarily, a new chair may not be an option they want to pursue,” he added. “The ultimate goal is to make them as comfortable as possible with cheaper items or items that are available in their home.”
Even with the best scenario utilizing the best chairs and workstations, Ronda Moriarty said paying attention to your spine is always important.
“As I teach in my postural classes, maintaining good postural habits is good prevention to minimize injuries, and especially when sitting or standing at your desk,” said Moriarty, an adjunct professor at Mesa Community College.
“Posture involves the chain-link concept of body mechanics in which problems anywhere along the body chain can lead to problems above or below that point. For example: your head being too far forward or rearward causes headaches, eyestrain, neck and upper back pain and lower back or knee pain can cause pelvic joint disorders.
“Sometimes the effects of posture can be far reaching, involving respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems as well as the musculoskeletal system. Good posture also contributes to good appearance, poise confidence and dignity.”
Moriarty, a fan of “positive quotes,” said one of her favorites is, “Of all the things you wear, posture is the most important.”
Rubino and Moriarty’s business venture sprouted after the loss of their long-term employment.
They worked for the county as senior ergonomic specialists – he for 21 years and she more than 13.
“Unfortunately, in 2018, the county decided to outsource the ergonomic functions to an outside vendor and we were both laid off,” Rubino recalled.
“After working jobs that we were unhappy with for about a year, we both realized we truly missed ergonomics, and missed being able to help people feel more comfortable at work,” Rubino said.
“With our combined 35 years of experience in the ergonomics field with over 18,000 evaluations conducted we both knew that we didn’t want all of our knowledge and our desire to help people go to waste,” he said.
So last year they started Ergologics, which they call “a comprehensive ergonomics company that can help businesses and individuals with all of their ergonomics needs.”
To date, most of Ergologic’s clients were businesses wishing to ensure their employees were healthy and productive.
“By focusing on the health and comfort of the people doing the job, businesses were able to greatly reduce absenteeism, decrease lost work days due to sickness, doctor visits, workers compensation costs and ultimately health insurance premiums. It is and was a win-win situation for the employee and the business,” he stated.
As COVID-19 caused unprecedented numbers of employees to work from home, helping others make the best of their workspace now has Ergologics addressing that via online consultations.
“We hope that by offering this service we can help reduce the stress that many people are feeling during these trying times and make their self-quarantine a little more tolerable and comfortable,” said Rubino, who lives in Ahwatukee with his wife Michele and their 14-year-old son.
Even while focusing on the at-home employee, they’re still working with corporations and business entities.
“We gladly offer a free workshop or in-service to anyone that wants to learn about what our company has to offer, or we can teach a free basic ergonomic class,” said Moriarty.
Article written by Coty Dolores Miranda, Ahwatukee Foothills News Contributor
Apr 7, 2020 Information: or
Ergologics and Sit/Stand Workstations
Do’s and DON’TS When Working from Home (WFH)
As we continue to “stay at home”, you and your body may realize that options are not created equal when it comes to supporting good ergonomic posturing. When WFH, it’s vital to remember to stay in a proper ergonomic position to avoid musculoskeletal problems. Right now, even though temporary, bad postures could lead to serious musculoskeletal issues. Unfortunately, some of us don’t dig working from home and pray that it is temporary. “My kids are driving me nuts”, “I keep getting interrupted”, “Ugh, the food in the pantry next to me sounds so good right now! I am going to get fat!” (my personal favorite) , or “This set up is killing me, I could never WFH. I miss my desk at work.” Those are examples of what I often hear when I do remote/online evaluations these days. I can’t help you stop craving munchies, but if you have an ergonomic question, I got your back - no pun intended!
Here are some tips to help you get through this crazy time, and hopefully, make it more enjoyable:
Working on the couch - The couch, as we know it, is a place where we veg, watch Netflix, rest, or even sleep when the spouse sends you there for the night! Definitely not a good choice when WFH. Slouching, (see above) crossing your legs, leaning forward to type on the coffee table, or even laying on your stomach does not promote anything but an unhealthy posture, increased muscle tension, and discomfort due to the lack of overall support.
Working on your bed - That’s right! This is a huge no-no! For all the reasons and more stated above! Your bed is for sleeping. Get out of bed and start your day right! Wow, for a moment, I felt like a mother scolding a stubborn teenage kid!
Working on the kitchen table with dining room chair vs bar stool at the counter - Making sure you have a chair with straight back support and both feet planted on the ground is the best thing you can do for your posture. Yes, this means not sitting on your leg or crossing your legs. Yes, I see you and I am watching you at all times! You could add books under your feet, so they don’t dangle. You could also raise your laptop on books; that way your laptop is at eye level to minimize neck strain. Laptops are not meant to be used 8 hours a day. These simple modifications can help your body and help you focus better! While one thinks this can help activate the core muscles trying to sit up all day without proper back support, this is not true! As a matter of fact, we cannot sustain this upright posture all day. This can cause a “C” curvature, rather than the correct “S” curvature in the spine, when slouching too long.(see above) Be sure to sit up straight by tightening your core muscles, maintaining proper positioning of your hips, knees and elbows at a 90 degree angle, and your ears over your shoulders when working to avoid any soreness.
Working outside on the patio - Fresh air is plus! Enjoying a beautiful day outside is absolutely a great idea! However, it is important to be sure that you have a regular chair with back support and a table combo so you can work comfortably. Above is a perfect example what not to do. Perhaps considering taking a walk or working out during your breaks. Did I sound motherly again? My intentions, like theirs, are good! After all, my mom always told me not to slouch; I know now she meant well!
Working on the floor - The person above might as well place the coffee cup on her head and try to perform a balancing act for her audience. You got it right, this is wrong for all the obvious reasons. It is impossible to maintain proper posture when working on the floor, so why go there?
Imagine returning back to work after our “stay at home” and your boss says, “Hey, we’re not going to use chairs or desks anymore; let’s just work on the floor!” This would be the death of an ergonomic specialist! YES, ME!
In all seriousness, the bottom line is to make sure that you maintain good posture and body mechanics to minimize stress on your body when you are working from home. Make sure you set reminders to get up and move every hour. Stay safe! Feel free to contact us anytime for questions or send us a picture of your worst posture to humor us; NOT!
Creating Your New Healthy Ergonomic Home Office
Lately, I have seen many blogs, articles and people advertising great looking workstations! While these home offices are attractive and nice looking, the problem with these set ups, they could do more harm than good and could potentially lead to numerous musculoskeletal issues. The last thing you need to worry about is experiencing pain or discomfort while working from home!
Ergologics has over 35 years of experience; we offer ergonomic solutions and will guide you to choosing the appropriate product(s) to meet your needs. With our years of research and knowledge, we can help you prepare for this new transition, save money and decrease discomfort/injuries while working from home. We can modify your workstation to meet your budget needs, set up the workstation ergonomically correct and still make it attractive! We will tell you “the why” behind the correct set-up and help teach you to be smart when teleworking. We also include exercises, stretches and self-care when working from home.
An article published by Forbes Magazine in 2018 states, “The number of Telecommuting professions working from home is more than 4 million U.S. employees. That number continues to climb each year, and those who work remotely are increasing”. Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing a huge incline. Due to this incline with remote-work population, you may want to consider setting up an ergonomically-correct home office with the help of an ergonomic specialist.
We can help you decide how set up a workstation the right way making it more efficient and functional. We can do this either remotely or in person.
When setting up an ergonomic home office for remote work, you’ll want to use a room that has enough space, receives plenty of light and steer away from noisy environments to help concentrate or have meetings without distraction. Even though limited space can also present a problem, we can help you create a functional office. Some ideas for possible work areas include: existing office, space in the living room, spare bedroom, den area, basement, etc. “Ergo-tip” try to avoid working from your bed, in the kitchen or on the couch even though it seems comfortable.
Ergologics provides tips to improve your home office’s functionality by either purchasing equipment or using existing items. Our ultimate goal is to provide a functional, comfortable and safe work environment. Regardless, we will do what YOU need and will best modify a set up that is good for YOU.
A prioritized list: Be smart and invest money where it is most important!
Desk: You should have plenty of room for your computer and/or laptop and other materials you need to be functional and productive. We can recommend a desk that makes it versatile for you, your spouse, or both. (We can also assist with home-schooling set-ups for your children.)
Desk chair: It is crucial to choose a task chair with an adjustable backrest that provides lumbar support, an adjustable seat pan with adequate cushion, adjustable arms and a solid base with casters. We can recommend a chair that is right for you.
Appropriate Equipment: This could include something simple like a footrest, laptop risers, dual monitors, monitor arms, conference or video equipment are other items we take into consideration. If you frequently travel and don’t have a “set” office? We offer solutions for those too.
Lighting: We can assist you in selecting the right amount of light by using desk and/or floor lamps to meet the standard ergonomic lighting requirements.
Bookshelf and/or file cabinets: We can help you decide which storage systems will work best for you, based on your work space.
“Ergo-tip” always take care of you by exercising, taking frequent breaks and moving every hour can also help minimize musculoskeletal discomfort.
BONUS Insight
If you’re self-employed and your home is your primary place of work, your home office improvements can be tax-deductible. Retain receipts and consult with your tax expert to find out which projects will save you money.
While you are working remotely for a company, retain your receipts for your initial home office setup, supplies and any other purchases not provided by your employer because many companies will reimburse remote workers for certain items. Also, keep in mind, some companies may even let you bring items home from work if they have extra items in stock.
Choose Ergologics because we care about YOU!