As we continue to “stay at home”, you and your body may realize that options are not created equal when it comes to supporting good ergonomic posturing. When WFH, it’s vital to remember to stay in a proper ergonomic position to avoid musculoskeletal problems. Right now, even though temporary, bad postures could lead to serious musculoskeletal issues. Unfortunately, some of us don’t dig working from home and pray that it is temporary. “My kids are driving me nuts”, “I keep getting interrupted”, “Ugh, the food in the pantry next to me sounds so good right now! I am going to get fat!” (my personal favorite) , or “This set up is killing me, I could never WFH. I miss my desk at work.” Those are examples of what I often hear when I do remote/online evaluations these days. I can’t help you stop craving munchies, but if you have an ergonomic question, I got your back - no pun intended!
Here are some tips to help you get through this crazy time, and hopefully, make it more enjoyable:
Working on the couch - The couch, as we know it, is a place where we veg, watch Netflix, rest, or even sleep when the spouse sends you there for the night! Definitely not a good choice when WFH. Slouching, (see above) crossing your legs, leaning forward to type on the coffee table, or even laying on your stomach does not promote anything but an unhealthy posture, increased muscle tension, and discomfort due to the lack of overall support.
Working on your bed - That’s right! This is a huge no-no! For all the reasons and more stated above! Your bed is for sleeping. Get out of bed and start your day right! Wow, for a moment, I felt like a mother scolding a stubborn teenage kid!
Working on the kitchen table with dining room chair vs bar stool at the counter - Making sure you have a chair with straight back support and both feet planted on the ground is the best thing you can do for your posture. Yes, this means not sitting on your leg or crossing your legs. Yes, I see you and I am watching you at all times! You could add books under your feet, so they don’t dangle. You could also raise your laptop on books; that way your laptop is at eye level to minimize neck strain. Laptops are not meant to be used 8 hours a day. These simple modifications can help your body and help you focus better! While one thinks this can help activate the core muscles trying to sit up all day without proper back support, this is not true! As a matter of fact, we cannot sustain this upright posture all day. This can cause a “C” curvature, rather than the correct “S” curvature in the spine, when slouching too long.(see above) Be sure to sit up straight by tightening your core muscles, maintaining proper positioning of your hips, knees and elbows at a 90 degree angle, and your ears over your shoulders when working to avoid any soreness.
Working outside on the patio - Fresh air is plus! Enjoying a beautiful day outside is absolutely a great idea! However, it is important to be sure that you have a regular chair with back support and a table combo so you can work comfortably. Above is a perfect example what not to do. Perhaps considering taking a walk or working out during your breaks. Did I sound motherly again? My intentions, like theirs, are good! After all, my mom always told me not to slouch; I know now she meant well!
Working on the floor - The person above might as well place the coffee cup on her head and try to perform a balancing act for her audience. You got it right, this is wrong for all the obvious reasons. It is impossible to maintain proper posture when working on the floor, so why go there?
Imagine returning back to work after our “stay at home” and your boss says, “Hey, we’re not going to use chairs or desks anymore; let’s just work on the floor!” This would be the death of an ergonomic specialist! YES, ME!
In all seriousness, the bottom line is to make sure that you maintain good posture and body mechanics to minimize stress on your body when you are working from home. Make sure you set reminders to get up and move every hour. Stay safe! Feel free to contact us anytime for questions or send us a picture of your worst posture to humor us; NOT!